Australian Centres for Ignatian Spirituality
The five Centres of Ignatian Spirituality in Australia are sponsored by the Australian Jesuits. They are staffed by Jesuits and Companions qualified to help people experience God, and to learn what God asks of each one in our lives. God is beyond all our possible imaginings and understandings.
About CIS
What We Do
As Jesuits and Companions we strive to do what Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) and his first companions strove to do through his Spiritual Exercises.
The Spiritual Exercises offer simple steps to prioritise our desires, to find God in inner peace, and to begin to respond to God’s invitations. The Spiritual Exercises offer ways to meet God in the here and now, to become aware of God’s mercy in our lives, God’s freedom, and God’s Spirit, and to feel what God is asking of us.
The Spiritual Exercises inspire persons to reach out to others in different ways: especially the separated, the broken, the failures, the unfree, and those living without hope. Through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and Spirituality each person discerns the invitation God gives and receives strength to live it generously.
Website Package
Small Business Website
$2000 – $4000